ASP.NET Core Endpoints. Add endpoint-enabled middleware by using IEndpointRouteBuilder extension method

An example of how to add middleware for a selected endpoint. EndpointRouteBuilderExtensions pattern.

Advance the practical side of your coding skills with CodingStories

In this blog post, I share my experience of writing a coding story and give you instructions on how to get started.

Task-based asynchronous Pattern and Composition (aka Task Combinators)

WhenAll, WhenAny, ForEachAsync, Throttling, Process as complete, etc.

Awaitable/awaiter pattern and logical micro-threading in C#

Let's build a state machine based on awaitable/awaiter pattern.

Publish images to GitHub Container Registry (ghcr)

Succinct post on how to get things going in ghcr.

Bringing "surround with" functionality to vscode. Check out this extension.

Quick overview of surround-with-csharp vscode extension.

How to organize learning process with mindmaps, spreadsheets and .NET Core

Visualization of current learning progress as mindmap. Solution is based on XMindCsharp.