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Common issues:

I receive 401 Unauthorized status code

  • Turn on Debug or Trace logging level and see the logs output
  • Make sure access token is provided in Authorization Header.
  • Make sure the audience is mapped to a token via audience mapper. You can try to disable audience validation temporarily.
  • Make sure the HTTPs requirement is turned off in Development Mode. KeycloakAuthenticationOptions.SslRequired="none"

I receive 403 Forbidden

  • Turn on Debug or Trace logging level and see the logs output
  • In case of RBAC Authorization make sure the ClaimsPrincipal has "realm_access" and "resource_access" claims mapped from token issued by Keycloak.
  • If you use Keycloak as Authorization Server, make sure it is properly configured and that the Keycloak installation is accessible.

Keycloak is slow to respond

Keycloak is a central part of the system used by many components. Especially, in Authorization Server scenario where authorization requests are sent to centralized place. Essentially, Keycloak becomes a bottleneck of the system. Consider Cluster Setup to tackle this problem.

Also, you can handle transient HTTP errors by adding resiliency, see How to setup resiliency to HTTP Clients


☝️Keycloak.AuthServices supports OpenTelemetry. See Keycloak.AuthServices.OpenTelemetry.